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Launching Club @ Ferrea

Launching Club @ Ferrea

Launching Club @ Ferrea

When it comes to managing a community, there’s a lot of things that can go wrong. We want to believe that there is a solution out there that could solve all of our problems; or an expert that has dealt with many communities before us to work their magic here. A one-size-fits-all, the silver-bullet, the no-brainer. After all, this is 2021 - there must be, right? Right?

For the past few weeks, this was the answer we were looking for - one that lead us to the only logical conclusion: Every community is unique. Let us explain.

A community like ourselves comprises of people from different kind of backgrounds - education, age, race, religion, political motivations, geographical origin, financial status and so on. As a result, the kind of behaviours, needs and standards of this community will always be unique to us alone and they will keep evolving as we spend more time here.

Throwing a “solution” to this kind of problem just because “it seems to work fine for others” will almost always end up with endless frustrations, a lesson we had to learn the very painful way just recently.

Let’s make this very clear, there is not a single person more invested to make this a great community to live in, than the people who actually lived in it!

What we actually, really needed to do is to carefully observe, listen, and identify the actual needs of this community and from there, devise solutions that will address those specific needs based on the resources we have at hand. This is a continuous process that requires collective efforts from everyone within this community and that’s the direction we are moving towards in 2022 and beyond.

Today, we are excited to launch our new online platform to help us manage this community - Club @ Ferrea. You may access the platform via this URL: or just tap on the “Login” menu button on the top right of this screen.

This will be one of the many steps ahead for us to continue doing our best to serve this community. For now, the platform focuses on simplicity and ease-of-use. You should already be able to view your invoices and start making your contributions for 2022.

We hope that you are as excited as we are and we can’t wait to hear your comments & feedbacks. As always, please direct them to: [email protected]


1. What did it cost?
A small fee for cloud hosting and payment platform. The rest was built in-house.

2. What happens to my past invoices and pending payments?
We are on the final leg of reconciling all of our financial data from 2020/2021. We will notify residents once they are ready along with issuing any outstanding invoices.

Stay tuned and be safe.