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Cultivating the Community Spirit in Ramadhan

Cultivating the Community Spirit in Ramadhan

Cultivating the Community Spirit in Ramadhan

We live in a society seemingly bound by constant connectivity. We know where our friends went for holidays, where they sent their kids to school, or even what they ate for breakfast. Ultimately, they amount to nothing more than just glimpses of meticulously curated moments and manufactured narratives. It fosters the illusion of closeness and intimacy.

Yet, the true essence of closeness often lies with our neighbors, people who live physically closest to us, sharing the same roof - quite literally in our case! In the times of need, they are the ones most likely to extend a helping hand, surpassing the superficial connections of online friendships or the proximity of distant acquaintances.

Growing up in a kampung, I was privileged enough to experience genuine closeness firsthand. Despite the apparent nosiness, there existed a sincere care and support among neighbors. The month of Ramadhan was especially fond to me as a kid as that’s when people would come together to prepare foods and share their dishes. This sense of communal bond has stayed with me, and I deeply yearn to recreate such a vibrant community spirit in my adult life.

Conversely, living in Bandar Utama for 3 years as I was just starting my family a few years back made me realise how rare such communities have become. Interaction was scarce, with even basic greetings a rarity. Attempts to engage with locals at the park yielded little more than encounters with domestic helpers on their regular strolls. Despite the size of more than 350 houses, the community felt as insular as if comprised of just one household.

As we celebrate the month of Ramadhan, I am reminded of the importance of fostering a sense of community. It is a time to reach out to our neighbors, to share our blessings, and to create a sense of belonging. It is a time to build a community that is more than just a collection of houses, but a place where people truly care for one another.

Happy Ramadhan to all.