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Elmina/GCE Road Closures

Elmina/GCE Road Closures

Elmina/GCE Road Closures

We want to make it clear that Persatuan Penduduk Ferrea Denai Alam was not involved in, nor did it consent to, any decisions related to the recent closure of two interchanges on the Guthrie Expressway (GCE) in Elmina, as announced by Prolintas Expressway Sdn Bhd (PESB).

Additionally, we affirm that Persatuan Penduduk Ferrea Denai Alam is an independent entity and has not authorized any other organization to represent us.

As an association representing a residential community directly affected by the traffic conditions in Denai Alam, we are always willing to engage with relevant authorities to explore both immediate and long-term solutions to these issues.

For any further inquiries, please contact us at [email protected].